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ServiceNow Tips & Tricks: Agent Workspace

[Madrid] Agent Workspace is a configurable service desk application that provides an integrated and intuitive user experience enabling agents to be more efficient.

Agent Workspace features include:

  • A multi-tab interface for agents to efficiently manage multiple cases or incidents

  • Real-time handling of calls and chats via Interaction Management System

  • Task resolution assistance via Agent Assist

  • Intuitive search capabilities enabling agents to quickly find relevant content

  • Heads up display of contextual information helping agents quickly get oriented to the task at hand

  • Agent Workspace is active for all instances.


Agent Workspace features:





     (A) Lists

Configure list categories to organize lists in the list panel. Then create filtered lists and assign them to agents or teams. Agents can create their own filtered lists under My Lists.

     (B) Tabs

Tabs allow agents to manage many records at once. The plus sign allows agents to create new records and complete tasks in separate tabs. Configure tables in the New Record Menu to give agents the option to create different types of records in Agent Workspace.

     (C) Forms

An Agent Workspace form contains a header, ribbon, and layout (which includes the activity stream). You can configure the fields that appear on the form to be different depending on the record type and user roles.

     (D) Contextual sidebar

Configure a contextual search to display configurable results under Agent Assist. You can also use Agent Intelligence to produce anticipated results.

     (E) Workspace Notifications

Notifications display in Agent Workspace when a record is updated or assigned to a user.

     (F) Global Search

Configure search sources to limit or expand the data your agents can access in Agent Workspace and how they appear in search results.

     (G) Inbox

Define and configure your Agent Workspace inbox using Advanced Work Assignments (AWA). Configuring AWA initiates routing and assigning of new work items to appropriate agents. Agents can set their availability and accept or reject work items from their Agent Workspace inbox.


For more information: https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/madrid-servicenow-platform/page/administer/workspace/concept/service-workspace.html