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Work From Home the way you want to!

An innovative solution that helps you record your time record online and follows the status of your team members on-the-go.
This solution greatly helps improve work efficiency by allowing you to work like you are in an office environment.

One Step:

One click to record your time. Simple ‘Check-in’ and ‘Check-out’ button for ease of use.

Tracking Systems

Uses GPS for accurate location tracking of check-ins and outs

Holiday Check

Check companies holidays through a clean and simple interface

Email Alerts

Configurable mail alerts to managers/supervisors for checking their team members time record


Zero-stress on confidentiality, integrity, and availability, as our solution is built from the same platform as Office 365 that we all know and love!


Configurable reports on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis (uses PowerBI for interactive dashboards)

If Interested please fill in this form

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Pre-requisites for Smart Timesheet

1.) Requires License O365 E1 or E3 to All Users for Use Smart Time Sheet Apps
2.) Requires Power BI Pro 1 License for Create Report Summary
3.) Create SharePoint Site Collection 1 Site and Assign Permission Admin site SharePoint
4.) Prepare Information for Add to Master Data as Attach File  

Smart Timwsheet